HITLINE in Europe: New Stores in Romania

//HITLINE in Europe: New Stores in Romania

The Hitline Company  continues to cooperate with retail chains through Europe and, in particular, Romania.

Over the past 9 months the largest retail chains in Romania have opened 10 new stores using Hitline equipment.
For these new projects of the Romanian retailers Hitline supplied both  “Missouri M PS” refrigerated display cabinets with speciality cases for confectionery – “Missouri M patisserie” and heated display cases – “Missouri M heat BM” for the sale and demonstration of ready-made dishes.

Island self-service zones in the stores are equipped with refrigerated display cabinets “Missouri cold diamond island” having cooled butt-end elements. Promotional sales of food products in sales halls are organized with the help of “Virginia cube self” aggregated refrigerated display cases using R290 refrigerant. The class of wall-sited cabinets in the stores is represented by refrigerated cabinets “Indiana medium” and “Indiana cube”.

Missouri cold diamond island
Missouri cold diamond island
Missouri cold diamond island
Missouri cold diamond island
Missouri cold diamond island
Missouri M cascade
Missouri M PS
Missouri M PS
Missouri M PS
Virginia cube self
Missouri M PS
Missouri M PS
Missouri M PS
Missouri M PS
Missouri M PS
Missouri M heat BM
Missouri M PS
Missouri M PS
Missouri M PS
Missouri M patisserie
Missouri M patisserie
Virginia cube self
Virginia cube self
Indiana medium , Virginia cube self
Indiana medium
Virginia cube self
Indiana medium , Virginia cube self , Missouri M PS
Missouri M self
Missouri M self
Missouri M PS
Missouri M PS , Missouri M self
Missouri M PS , Missouri M heat BM
Missouri M PS
Missouri M PS
Missouri M PS
Virginia cube self
Virginia cube self
Indiana cube