Indiana eco ASV 100 LT D A

/, Indiana eco ASV 100 A/Indiana eco ASV 100 LT D A
Semi-vertical cabinets Indiana eco ASV 100 LT D 160-DLA


Low-temperature semi-vertical counter with energy-efficient doors for frozen packaged foods. Allows to create an island-type self-service zone.


  • Fits with plug-in
  • Dynamic cooling 
  • Inner enclosure LED lighting 
  • Hinged doors
  • Anti-fog tape on the glass 
  • Push-pull covers for horizontal freezer
Frozen products
Semi-vertical cabinets Indiana eco ASV 100 LT D 160-DLA
Indiana eco ASV 100 LT D 160-DLA
(аrticle: 0293.ХХ)
Indiana eco ASV 100 LT D 160-DLA
Semi-vertical cabinets Indiana eco ASV 100 LT D 160-DLA
Island type layout of counters 
Semi-vertical cabinets Indiana eco ASV 100 LT D 160-DLA
Indiana eco ASV 100 LT D 096-DLA-TL
(аrticle: 2017.ХХ)
Indiana eco ASV 100 LT D 096-DLA-TL

The Manufacturer reserves the right to make alterations in the specifications.

Indiana eco ASV 100 LT D 160-DLA Indiana eco ASV 100 LT D  096-DLA-TL
Length without sidewalls mm 1250 1875 2500 3750* 2185
Thickness of two sidewalls mm 106
Area of display part m2 2,2 3,3 4,4 6,6 1,5
Ambient temperature ˚С ≤ +25 ≤ +25
Humidity % ≤ 60 ≤ 60
Operating temperature ˚С -22…-18 -22…-18
Temperature class L1 L1

* – it requires an additional agreement (marked in red)

The Manufacturer reserves the right to make alterations in the specifications.