For a is actively experimenting with the formats: the 155th store of the Fora network, equipped with the Hitlain’s refrigeration equipment in the supermarket format, has opened in Kiev.
The supermarket is equipped with lines of gastronomic refrigerated cabinets “Missouri M”, “Missouri M cascade”, a cabinet with a two-leveled products placement “Missouri M combi”, specialized cabinets: “Missouri M sushi / pizza 2” for pizza, “Missouri M fish self” for the sale of fish on ice, “Missouri M patisserie OS 130”, “Missouri M patisserie CH” for confectionery.
Zones for promotional sales of products are engineered with the help of self-contained refrigerated cabinets “Virginia self” and “Missouri promo A”.
The dairy products department is equipped with a line of wall-sited cabinets “Louisiana eco D” with radiussed energy-saving sliding doors. For the sale of different groups of products there are wall-sited cabinets “Indiana cube” and “Indiana cube D” installed here along the perimeter of the trading floor. Vegetables and fruits are presented in refrigerated wall-sited cabinets “Louisiana eco NB”.
All that commercial refrigeration equipment is equipped with the AKV (Danfoss) EEV, while the supermarket itself is equipped with ADAP-KOOL (Danfoss) adaptive control and computer monitoring system.