Arsen distribution network which is one of the leaders in west Ukrainian region has made the massive renovation of the shop in Ivano-Frankivsk. The supermarket is done out according to the new concept of the distribution network. Hitline has become the producer of refrigeration equipment for this project.
The installed “Missouri сold diamond MC 126” island which is situated in the centre of the sales area fixes the attention with its’ aesthetics and full blast reliability and performance. There is a big food group represented in the island where the purchasers can choose the good needed by themselves or with the help of merchandiser. There are specialized counters for cooking and selling sushi and pizza “Missouri cold diamond MC 126 sushi/pizza PS 130-DBM” and thermal counters “Missouri cold diamond NC 126 heat BM” installed in the island adjunctively.
The area of promotional sales of fruit and vegetables is represented by “Virginia AC 103 deli self 128-DLA” counter with three-level goods laying-out and maximal observation on the backs of transparence of the details.
Three of “Missouri cold diamond island MV 095 deli self 130-DLM” have become centre-pieces providing a distinctive perspective of the self-service area. The modest-sized counters with three levels of goods laying-out allow arranging the major goods assortment without obstructing the sales area view.
There were also “Missouri cold diamond MC 126 cascade 130-DBM” counter and “Louisiana MV 095 MT О 210-DLM”, “Indiana medium MV 085 MT O 210-DLA” multideck cabinets installed in the supermarket.