Missouri cold diamond NC 126 ice self – angular element

/, Specialized counters for fish and seafood sales/Missouri cold diamond NC 126 ice self – angular element
Angular element Missouri Cold Diamond NC 126 ice self 084-ER90


Neutral angular counter for fresh fish or meat on ice sales.
  • Stainless steel inner bath

Angular element Missouri Cold Diamond NC 126 ice self 084-ER90

Missouri Cold Diamond NC 126 ice self 084-ER90
(article: 1407.00 self)

Angular element Missouri Cold Diamond NC 126 ice self 084-ER90Top view

Angular element Missouri Cold Diamond NC 126 ice self 084-ER90

The Manufacturer reserves the right to make alterations in the specifications.

  Missouri Cold Diamond NC 126 ice self 084
Angular element ER90
Area of display part m2 1,4

The Manufacturer reserves the right to make alterations in the specifications.