Dakota AC 085 patisserie OS 130 A

///Dakota AC 085 patisserie OS 130 A
Confectionery counters Dakota AC 085 patisserie OS 130-DLA
Information related to energy class (Ecodesign Regulation 2019/2024 and Energy Labelling Regulation 2019/2018) refers to specific product configurations. All configurations other than that presented in the website could require significantly different energy class information. For further details, either consult the European Product Database for Energy Labelling (EPREL) or contact our sales office.


Dakota AC 085 patisserie OS 130-DLADakota AC 085 patisserie OS 130-DLA
(article: 1251.ХХ)
Dakota AC 085 patisserie OS 130-DLA

The Manufacturer reserves the right to make alterations in the specifications.

  Dakota AC 085 patisserie OS 130-DLA
Length without sidewalls mm 940 1250 1440
Length with sidewalls mm 980 1290 1480
Thickness of two sidewalls mm 40
Area of display part (total) m2 1,56 2,08 2,46
Area of display part (trays) m2 0,55 0,73 0,84
Ambient temperature ˚С ≤ +25
Humidity % ≤ 60
Operating temperature ˚С +4…+6
Temperature class Н1

The Manufacturer reserves the right to make alterations in the specifications.

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